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Počela malezijska presica. Ministar saobraćaja napominje da nije sigurno da uslikan krš potiče od MH370. Dok ne stigne potvrda, nastavljaju potragu i na severnom i na južnom kraku, izviđački avioni lete i iznad Kazahstana.





At 10:00 this morning, the Prime Minister received a call from the Prime Minister of Australia, informing him that ‘two possible objects related to the search’ for MH370 had been identified in the Southern Indian Ocean. The Australian authorities in Kuala Lumpur have also briefed me on the situation, and the Australian Foreign Minister has spoken to the Foreign Minister of Malaysia.


The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) continues co-ordinating the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines aircraft within Australia’s search and rescue area, with assistance from the Australian Defence Force, the New Zealand Air Force, and the US Navy. AMSA’s Rescue Co-ordination Centre (RCC) Australia has received satellite imagery of objects possibly related to the search for MH370.

RCC Australia received an expert assessment of commercial satellite imagery today. The images were captured by satellite. They may not be related to the aircraft. The assessment of these images was provided by the Australian Geospatial Intelligence Organisation as a possible indication of debris southwest of Perth.

As a result of this information, four aircraft have been re-orientated to an area 2,500 kilometres southwest of Perth. A Royal Australian Air Force P-3 Orion aircraft arrived in the area at about 10:50AM. Another 3 aircraft have been tasked by RCC Australia to the area, including a second RAAF Orion, a Royal New Zealand Air Force Orion, and a US Navy P-8 Poseidon. The Poseidon was expected to arrive early this afternoon. The second RAAF Orion was expected to depart RAAF Base Pearce, Perth, mid-afternoon. The New Zealand Orion was due to depart this afternoon. An RAAF C-130 Hercules aircraft has been tasked by RCC Australia to drop datum marker buoys to assist in drift modelling. They will provide an on-going reference point if the task of relocating the objects becomes protracted.

A merchant ship that responded to a shipping broadcast issued by RCC Australia on Monday was also expected to arrive in the area this afternoon. The Royal Australian Navy ship HMAS Success is en route to the area but is some days away. The ship is well equipped to recover any objects located and proven to be from MH370.

Every effort is being made to locate the objects seen in the satellite imagery. It must be stressed that these sightings, while credible, are still to be confirmed.

Assets deployed

The search for MH370 is a multinational effort. I will now give you an update on the assets which have been deployed.

During the course of this operation, the Chief of the Defence Force has spoken to his counterparts from countries including: Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Maldives, Nepal, New Zealand, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, The UK, and the USA. All were very supportive, and all offered their assistance. As the focus of the search has moved from the South China Sea and Straits of Malacca to the northern and southern corridors, our international partners have continued to provide whatever support they can.

A number of assets have been deployed at different phases of the search and rescue operation. Currently, there are 18 ships, 29 aircraft and 6 ship-borne helicopters deployed along the northern and southern corridors, as follows:

In the northern corridor, there are 4 aircraft: 2 from Malaysia; 1 from Japan; and 1 from the US.

In the southern corridor, there are 25 aircraft: 2 from Malaysia; 5 from Australia; 3 from China; 4 from Indonesia; 2 from India; 4 from Japan; 1 from New Zealand; 2 from South Korea; 1 from the UAE; and 1 from the USA.


All 18 ships are in the southern corridor: 6 from Malaysia; 1 from Australia; 5 from China; And 6 from Indonesia. This deployment includes 6 helicopters: 3 from Malaysia, and 3 from China.

Until we are certain that we have located MH370, search and rescue operations will continue in both corridors. I can confirm that Malaysia is sending 2 aircraft to Kazakhstan, and the UK is planning to send 1 ship to the southern corridor.

In addition to the assets I just listed above, a number of countries in the northern corridor are carrying out search and rescue operations within their own territory:

China is using every means possible, including 21 satellites, to search the area within its borders, and is ready to send more ships and aircraft wherever they are needed.
In Cambodia, 4 helicopters are conducting search operations within Cambodian territory.
The Laos Air Force is carrying out search operations within Laos.
Singapore are using their International Information Fusion Centre, where a Malaysian representative is stationed, to notify mariners and help with the search.
The Thai military are conducting search operations in the northern part of Thailand with all available aircraft.
And Vietnam are conducting search operations within their territory using an unspecified number of aircraft.

Together this represents a significant international force deployment. I am thankful for the co-operation of our partners as we continue to focus on finding MH370.

Concluding remarks

For families around the world, the one piece of information they want most is the information we just don’t have: the location of MH370.

Our primary focus has always been to find the aircraft. And with every passing day, our efforts have intensified.

Yesterday I said that we wanted to reduce the area of the search. We now have a credible lead. There remains much work to be done to deploy the assets. This work will continue overnight.


Valjda ne bi premijer cimao premijera da ovi analitičari nisu nešto uočili na tim snimcima. U svakom slučaju pala je noć tako da avijacija neko vreme neće biti od pomoći a najbližim brodovima će trebati dosta vremena da stignu tamo i to u nadi da za ova četiri dana struje to nisu odnele ko zna gde. Dok je još bilo dnevnog svetla jedan američki P-8 je nadleteo lokaciju i nije ništa video.

Edited by beowl
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Ove velike providne table/zidovi, ne vidim dobro?

Ekrani ili si zakacio one obucavane da stoje iza njih i pisu naopacke stojeci pozadi da bi ovi napred videli kako treba?  :)

Video par puta i nikako mi nije bilo jasno kako ziv covek to moze da savlada, a radili vojnici, gusteri.

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Ehm.. moja trenutačna teorija je da je mlađani kopilot otmičar.


- unio je oružje u kokpit (jedva da u ih pretražili)

- prisilio pilota da isključi transponder, ACARS i ostale comms

- krenuli su recimo negdje prema Ujgurima

- oko IGREXA došlo je do borbe u kojoj su obojica izbačeni iz stroja

- tokom (prije) borbe i avion je promijenio kurs

- usred noći nitko više od ostatka posade i putnika nije znao ni kamo idu, ni gdje su, niti je mogao/ znao preuzeti kontrolu nad avionom / alternativno, možda je preuzeo kontrolu netko, ali nije znao točno što bi s njom

 - letjeli su koliko je išlo..

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ABC News reporter David Wright, who has been on board the a US P-8 Poseidon aircraft, told the BBC's Newshour programme that as soon as the search plane reached the required location - closer to Antarctica than Australia - it became clear that the debris was not to be seen. "It was hopes raised, unfortunately," he said.

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neki danski teretnjak je na putu ka mestu tog krša, čeka se njegovo javljanje.


možda da prospu x hiljada onih mini sonara da bi slušali eventualni ping crne kutije. jbg, ako ni ovo nije to, mislim da je preko 50:50 šanse da ga nikada neće naći, osim slučajno za n godina.

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- oko IGREXA došlo je do borbe u kojoj su obojica izbačeni iz stroja




ovo mi je problem sa tom teorijom. pa sve i da je onaj koji je otmicar preziveo tesko da bi vozio avion pravo u nigde. a da su obojica poginula to mi je. iako ne nemoguce, jako malo verovatno

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neki danski teretnjak je na putu ka mestu tog krša, čeka se njegovo javljanje.


možda da prospu x hiljada onih mini sonara da bi slušali eventualni ping crne kutije. jbg, ako ni ovo nije to, mislim da je preko 50:50 šanse da ga nikada neće naći, osim slučajno za n godina.


Norveški. Stigao, javio se, mrkli mrak, vremenski uslovi katastrofa. Australijanci kažu da može da prođe i nekoliko dana dok neko najzad ne upeca uslikan krš.

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Meni je veći problem da ostatak posade i 200-tinjak ljudi sedi mirno 6-7 sati i čeka da nestane goriva u avionu na 10.000 m


ma dobro to...pa sta da rade? niko ne zna da vozi avion, komunikacije prekinute. 

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da pokušaju da zakukaju za pomoć nekim mobilnim ??? 

mobilni neće baš radit aki si cca 3000 km od najbližeg towera. Osim na avionima koji imaju neki satellite relay sistem ugrađen.

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da pokušaju da zakukaju za pomoć nekim mobilnim ??? 


Na 35k stopa telefoni ništa ne hvataju a u avionu nije bilo WiFi servisa. Komunikacioni uređaji u pilotskoj kabini su jedina moguća veza sa svetom u ovom slučaju.


Potvrđen kraj potrage za četvrtak:




So far four aircraft, and and up to seven ships have failed to locate the debris detected in those satellite images, according to the Australia Government.


A statement from the Australian Maritime Safety Authority confirmed that the search operation has finished for today and will resume again on Friday. No sightings were reported.

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da pokušaju da zakukaju za pomoć nekim mobilnim ??? 

Na sred mora (tj. iznad istog) i na visini od 10.000 metara. Tu nema ni g. od GSM signala za mobilni. U takvim uslovima samo dobra molitva moze da pomogne :(


Opcija bi bio satelitski sistem za teleforniranje. Pitanje je da li MH ima telefone u vazduhoplovima.




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