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09:59 GMT

Voices of trapped passengers were reportedly heard in one section of the Russia-bound Airbus 320, according to an officer at the scene.

"There is another section of the plane with passengers inside that the rescue team is still trying to enter and we hope to find survivors especially after hearing pained voices of people inside," the officer, who chose to remain unnamed, told Reuters.




kao da ima preživelih u delu olupine  :o

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Tesko da ima prezivelih, avion je ljosnuo dole za 20 sekundi prema podacima sa FR24.


Pilot se vec zalio na tehnicke probleme sa motorom i trazio promenu kursa ka aerodromu u Kairu (izvor RT). 

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Nije ljosnuo za 20 sekundi, nego sa FL335 na FL28x, posle mu se gubi kontakt, za 20 sekundi ni metak ne bi došao do zemlje sa te visine.

Edited by Prospero
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An officer has told Reuters a number of bodies, including children, have been pulled from the plane wreckage. 

This information has not yet been verified by the BBC. 



I now see a tragic scene. A lot of dead on the ground and many died whilst strapped to their seats."


The plane split into two, a small part on the tail end that burned and a larger part that crashed into a rock. We have extracted at least 100 bodies and the rest are still inside."


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ID tvrdi: Vojnici kalifata oborili ruski avion

Egipatski ogranak Islamske države tvrdi da su njegovi pripadnici oborili ruski putnički avion koji se srušio na Sinajskom poluostrvu.

"Vojnici kalifata su uspeli da obore ruski avion na Sinaju", navodi se u saopštenju ID objavljenom na društvenim mrežama, preneo je AFP.

Avion "erbas A321", ruske aviokompanije "Kogalimavija", skraćeno "Kolavija", na letu od Šarm el-Šeika do Sankt Peterburga srušio se oko 100 kilometara od Ariša na severu Sinaja, pri čemu je poginulo svih 224 putnika i članova posade 


Izvori iz egipatske službe bezbednosti su saopštili da nema naznaka da je avion oboren. 


Na severnom Sinaju se već dve godine nalazi sedište ogranka ID, čiji su pripadnici odgovorni za ubistvo na stotine egipatskih vojnika i policajaca.


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^^ Na toj visini (33500ft) su mogli da ga pogode samo ako su imali neki samohodni PVO raketni sistem (Kub, Neva, Buk :ph34r: ), ovi MANPADsi (koji gađaju s ramena, i koji se lako švercuju) ni u teoriji ne mogu da dohvate avion na toj visini.

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German carrier Lufthansa and Air France-KLM have decided to avoid flying over the Sinai peninsula while they wait for clarity on what caused a Russian airliner carrying 224 passengers to crash in the area, spokeswomen for the carriers said on Saturday.
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