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sinoc sam imala ovo iskustvo (kopiram post sa burundija): "O covece...jetstarov let iz Bangkoka za Melbourne, nekoliko minuta nakon poletanja krecu cudni zvuci i miris paljevine, prvo slab pa onda bas jak, dovoljno jak da ljudi blizu izvora krecu da zovu u pomoc i krece panika u celoj kabini. Na kraju sve ok - crkla jedna od 4 aircon jedinice, ali se stavila na standby nakon sto je prepala celu kabinu, pa smo nastavili ka Melbournu. Poraslo mi je postovanje za posadu do neba - u najkriticnijih nekoliko minuta, kad niko nije imao pojma jel ovo contained ili cemo da eksplodiramo svake sekunde, operisali su kao vojnici, svako pretrazuje/proverava  na svom zadatom delu aviona, totalna smirenost i organizovanost."

inace, avoin je boing 787, i ja sad malo guglala o aircon units i ostalim stvarima koje mogu da se zapale u avionima, pa naletim na ovo:


misim, jel ovo stvarno? 

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misim, jel ovo stvarno? 



Per the Guardian:


“The airworthiness directive action addresses a condition that only occurred in the lab. Simulated testing determined that this condition is possible in cases where an aeroplane’s power is left on for more than eight continuous months. No airplane in the fleet experienced that condition,” a Boeing spokesman told the Guardian.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Impresivno jeste, ali ima prednost domaceg terena, velike tezine i ova dva GE90.


Bilo bi interesantno videti da li su tada [i kako] sletali kompanijski F70 i E190, ili neki DH8 iz gostiju [FlyBe npr.].


Bolje prebaciti ova dva poslednja posta na Avijaciju - nije bilo ni udesa ni nesrece,

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Moze biti da su nađeni delovi MH370, i to kod Reuniona ????


Fragments of a wing washed up in the French island of Reunion could be wreckage from Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, says aviation expert



A French aviation expert believes he may have found the wreckage of MH370 – the Malaysia Airlines flight which disappeared off the coast of Malaysia in March 2014.


Xavier Tytelman, a former military pilot who now specialises in aviation security, was contacted on Wednesday morning by a man living on the island of Reunion, in the Indian Ocean. The man sent Mr Tytelman a series of photos showing wreckage of a plane, which the Frenchman said could possibly be the missing jet.


"I've been studying hundreds of photos and speaking to colleagues," Mr Tytelman told The Telegraph. "And we all think it is likely that the wing is that of a Boeing 777 – the same plane as MH370.


"Police in Reunion examining the wreckage say that it looks like it's been in the water for around a year, which again would fit with MH370. We can't say for certainty, but we do think there is a chance that this is it



via TT

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