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3D Printing


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  • 10 months later...

3D Printer DRM Patent To Stop People Downloading a CarenigmaxOctober 12, 2012DRM systems in the digital media world are nothing new and are utilized extensively in the music, movie and video games industries. Now, after applying four years ago, a company has this week obtained a patent for a DRM system that aims to stop future owners of 3D printers from printing whatever they like. The dream of downloading a new pair of sneakers or even a car might already be in jeopardy, before it’s even begun.tpb3d1.jpgDuring the last 20 years inkjet printers made an unholy mess of the short-run commercial print guy’s business, enabling just about anyone to print on anything from paper to plastics with a relatively tiny outlay.During the next 20 years the 3D printer will be the bogeyman affecting industries both far and wide and large and small, by giving the man in the street the ability to print physical objects as easily as he can print a family photo today.Downloading a car – or a pair of sneakers – will be entirely possible, although Ford and Nike won’t be particularly happy if people use their designs to do so. However, if The Pirate Bay have their way, that’s exactly what will happen.“We believe that the next step in copying will be made from digital form into physical form. It will be physical objects. Or as we decided to call them: Physibles,” said The Pirate Bay earlier this year announcing a new 3D printing section of their site.But The Pirate Bay aren’t the only ones predicting a 3D printing free-for-all, and already steps are being taken to ensure that people of tomorrow are denied the freedom to print whatever they want.A new patent, issued this week by the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office and titled ‘Manufacturing control system’, describes a system whereby 3D printer-like machines (the patent actually covers additive, subtractive, extrusion, melting, solidification, and other types of manufacturing) will have to obtain authorization before they are allowed to print items requested by the user.In a nutshell, a digital fingerprint of “restricted items” will be held externally and printers will be required to compare the plans of the item they’re being asked to print against those in a database. If there’s a match, printing will be disallowed or restricted. Japanese rightsholders are already pushing an ISP-level version of the same kind of system to nuke unauthorized music uploads.“This is an attempt to assert ownership over DRM for 3D printing. It’s ‘Let’s use DRM to stop unauthorized copying of things’,” says Michael Weinberg, a staff lawyer at the non-profit Public Knowledge, who reviewed the patent for Technology Review.While owners of intellectual property might welcome such a system, the patent – which is registered to Intellectual Ventures, a patent-hoarding company run by former Microsoft CTO Nathan Myhrvold – also covers even more controversial items.In their announcement in January, The Pirate Bay saw a situation where hunger could be eliminated. “We’ll be able to print food for hungry people. We’ll be able to share not only a recipe, but the full meal,” they said.But even that eventuality could be restricted. As well as more predictable substances such as ABS and polycarbonate, the printer DRM patent also covers edible substances. It even includes skin.Of course, the wonders of 3D printing don’t only exist to satisfy consumer demand for the latest products at the flick of a switch. They can be used for very human applications, such as helping this little girl get over a crippling disability and printing blood vessel networks for medical research.That people are already trying to squeeze themselves between this wonderful technology and creative minds is a serious concern and bound to have an effect on its future development and application. However, for now nothing is forcing printer manufacturers to utilize the DRM, at least until they come under massive pressure from some of the most powerful product manufacturers in the world that is….http://torrentfreak.com/3d-printer-drm-patent-to-stop-people-downloading-a-car-121012/Da, uspeće da nateraju štampač da nešto ne štampa. :lol:

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  • 1 month later...
Za samograditelje™ samo da kazem da postoje open source hardware 3D printeri (Makerbot npr), ne znam tacnu cenu, ali nije specijalno skupo.
za par hiljada dolara (makerbot je oko 2000) moze da se dobije hobi printer sa jednim ekstruderom (dva idu za 2x cenu). problem je sto se dosta kvare ekstruderi a skupi su da se zamene i nisu pokriveni garancijom. ja sam imala na poslu jedan od 5-6 k i brzo mu se pokvario jedan pa drugi. ne znam da li bih kupila nesto tako od svojih para zbog tog rizika... makerbot doduse izgleda seksi... sad su otvorili i radnju! mogao bi neko u srbiji da napravi domacu, jeftiniju verziju od poznatih open source nacrta, ne bi trebalo da bude tesko...zastita stampanja je mega glupost. najbolje je kad se vest pravi od izdatog patenta da izgleda kao da je to vec gotovo. kad ti to bilo tako. i jos su ovi neki patent trol, potpuno beskorisni. ne vidim kako je moguce da se spreci da se odstampa bilo sta, cak i ako je dizajn zasticen patentom. patenti stite protiv komercijalizacije i distrubucije, a ne posedovanja kopije. to bi bilo isto kao kad bi pravili instrumente na kojima moze da se svira muzika samo ako je copyright istekao. eletricni klavir koji na peti takt moderne kompozicije pocne da zavija kao macka. da napisemo patent? dvd/cd su se provukli po starom zakonu, nadam se da sad ovo nije moguce.posto i dalje puno ljudi ne ume da generise 3d sadrzaj za ove stampace, mislim da ce sledeci korak biti masina koja u isto vreme skenira objekat i pravi 3D kopiju. ima nekih pokusaja, ali ne valjaju Edited by paculla
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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Nema ni dve godine od kako smo naceli ovu pricu, a vec imamo prve ozbiljne politicke i bezbednosne implikacije. Projekat za Liberator pistolj povucen je sa sajta defcad.org po naredjenju Stejt dipartmenta, a fajl se preselio na Piratebay (necu ni potvrditi ni demantovati da sam skinuo jedan primerak u svrhe novinarskog istrazivanja). Potpuno je jezivo da uz fajl dolazi i uputstvo za instalaciju, pisano istim lapidarnim i prakticnim stilom kao ona za instaliranje igrica.Dakle, sta sad imamo. Imamo pretpostavku, koju sire americke vladine agencije, da covek za sumu od 2.000 dolara, koliko kosta kucni 3D stampac, covek moze da napravi funkcionalno oruzje, provuce ga kroz vecinu bezbednosnih kontrola, i bezbedno upotrebi. Bez obzira sto je Liberator isproban, to nije bas istina: ovaj dizajn je potpuni overkill, a imamo i cinjenicu da municija ne moze da se pravi od plastike. Kada vec iskljucimo skenere iz price, jer bi se meci na njima videli, onda mozemo u iste svrhe upotrebiti i bilo koju cevku sa oprugom, tj. "zip gun". Ovo znaci da Liberator nije podesno oruzje za asasinacije, sto je jedini razlog da neko stampa oruzje umesto da ga kupuje.Ipak, ovo je velika prica. Ako su proizvodjaci u stanju da u prvoj javno prikazanoj iteraciji naprave pistolj koji moze da koliko-toliko bezbedno ispali metak, mislim da je to nagovestaj veoma ozbiljnih stvari.

This is the first DD Liberator release, tested functional on 5/3/2013 and again on 5/5/2013. Design tweaks included from EXP001 and EXP002 experimental results.Changes from EXP002:-Barrel locking lug filet added to reduce stress concentration-.2" hole added to handle to allow assembly without screw. AR-15 grips will fit, but need a .2" hole drilled .4x.4" from corner. Or download DD's modified AR-15 grip. This is done so you don't need a metal screw to hold the grip on.-SN removed.-Hammer body firing pin hole reduced to 140mils to improve firing pin concentricity on primer.-Trigger stiffened.How to legally assemble the DD Liberator:itditd
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Zanimljivo. Sad mogu da zamislim da ce sledece verzije 3D printera imati nov firmware koji ce mozda biti u stanju da prepozna ovaj fajl i da blokira stampanje. Ili da javi negde tamo ko i gde pokusava da stampa ovaj fajl. Naravno, pojavice se nove verzije fajla koji firmware nece prepoznavati, pa ce prolazitii do sledece revizije firmware-a... Zatim, uspostavljanje nezvanicne alijanse proizvodjaca 3D printera koji ubacuju ovu blokadu na pritisak raznih vlada i agencija sirom sveta. Mozda nov algoritam koji heuristicki otkriva slicnosti sa dizajnom delova za vatreno oruzje...Treba ti cev odgovarajuce debljine i kalibra, nesto sto lici na okidac. U stvari, dovoljno je pratiti unutrasnje dimenicije cevke. Ako se slaze sa nekim odgovarajucim zamislivim kalibrom, jasno je sta se stampa... Ako ne, korisnik mora sam da pravi municiju, ako nece da se vrati u 18 vek pa da proba sa kuglom i barutom bez metka... Sto onda tesko cini ovo oruzje funkionalnim...Ostaje varijata da korisnik sam dizajnira delove koji nece biti prepoznati, ali to ce onda eliminisati 99% korisnika...Ostali valjda mogu i na kucnom strugu nesto da naprave...Zanima me za koj kalibar je ovo dizajnirano? Verovatno za .22 LR. Cev je od plastike, koliko opaljenja moze da izdrzi? Mada je i jedno dovoljno...

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This project might change the way we think about gun control and consumption.How do governments behave if they must one day operate on the assumption that any and every citizen has near instant access to a firearm through the Internet?Let’s find out.
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  • 2 months later...

Get Ready: 3D Printing Will Explode Next Year, When Key Patents ExpireBy Christopher Mims | The Atlantic – Mon, Jul 22, 2013 2:28 PM EDTCurrent 3D printers are cheap, but compared to where we're going, they're as Pong is to the iPhone. (AP)Here's what's holding back 3D printing, the technology that's supposed to revolutionize manufacturing and countless other industries: patents. In February 2014, key patents that currently prevent competition in the market for the most advanced and functional 3D printers will expire, says Duann Scott, design evangelist at 3D-printing company Shapeways.These patents cover a technology known as "laser sintering," the lowest-cost 3D-printing technology. Because of its high resolution in all three dimensions, laser sintering can produce goods that can be sold as finished products.Whenever someone talks about 3D printing revolutionizing manufacturing, they're talking about the kinds of goods produced by, for example, the industrial-grade 3D printing machines used by Shapeways. The company used by countless industrial designers, artists and entrepreneurs who can't afford their own 3D laser sintering printers, which can cost tens of thousands of dollars each.http://finance.yahoo.com/news/ready-3d-printing-explode-next-182837485.html

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  • 1 year later...

World's first 3D-printed apartment building constructed in China

A Chinese company has successfully 3D printed a five-storey apartment building and a 1,100 square metre villa from a special print material.




To su oni što su prošle godine odštampali 10 kuća za 24 sata. Skalamaerija izgleda slično kao one dizalice u npr. brodogradilištu.  







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  • 8 months later...

China: Firm 3D prints 10 full-sized houses in a day




A company in China has used giant 3D printers to make 10 full-sized, detached single-storey houses in a day, it appears.

A private firm, WinSun, used four 10m x 6.6m printers to spray a mixture of cement and construction waste to build the walls, layer by layer, official Xinhua news agency reported.

The cheap materials used during the printing process and the lack of manual labour means that each house can be printed for under $5,000, the 3dprinterplans website says.

"We can print buildings to any digital design our customers bring us. It's fast and cheap," says WinSun chief executive Ma Yihe. He also hopes his printers can be used to build skyscrapers in the future. At the moment, however, Chinese construction regulations do not allow multi-storey 3D-printed houses, Xinhua says.

The method of 3D printing has become more widely used in recent years. Manufacturers and designers have been able to make everyday items such as jewellery and furniture, as well as more specialised objects like industrial components.








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