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BOG, ima li Ga ili Ga nema...


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8 minutes ago, namenski said:

Хришчани су овде, вечином: да нису, да је као што је некад било, дочекао би те хорски захтев:

'Скини се!'


1 иницијација :fantom:

срце кад лупа тикетактикетака....све једним ритмом дише...

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1 minute ago, namenski said:

Ma nema post veze, nego tesko pada na stomak, sanjaju se neke sandjame i karakondzule, bozemesacuvaj....:sleep:


Тако сте духовити..

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14 minutes ago, marija m said:


и нехришћани су близу молитви кад тону у сан...интересантна паралела живота и сна...


sad sam malo pogledao. otpre znam da se u psihologiji barata s tipom ličnosti koji su prijemčivi za hipnozu, a znam i da barata s tipom ljudi koji su prijemčivi za religijsko iskustvo, i gle čuda:


185 undergraduate volunteers were administered the Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility. 23 subjects scoring 0 through 4 and 26 subjects scoring 10 through 12 were given a questionnaire designed to elicit information regarding their religious background and experience. Low susceptibility was associated with perceiving one's mother as slightly religious or not religious (p < .05), and high susceptibility was associated with having undergone the experience of being "saved" (P < .05). When interviewed, all of the high-susceptibles who professed having been "saved" reported that the experience was characterized by profound experiential changes, while none of the low-susceptible group reported such phenomena.



CONTEXT:  Evidence synthesized from social epidemiology, psychophysiology, and behavioral medicine suggests that religiousness may represent a significant correlate of absorption, a construct for which few if any psychosocial determinants have been identified.
OBJECTIVE:  To examine the association between absorption and intrinsic and extrinsic religiousness.
PARTICIPANTS:  83 respondents of a self-administered survey of adult survivors of cancer or other life-threatening diseases, recruited from participants in a pilot study of psychosocial factors related to recovery from illness.
MAIN MEASURES:  Tellegen Absorption Scale and Religious Orientation Scale.
RESULTS:  Absorption, as assessed by the Tellegen Absorption Scale, was positively and significantly associated with intrinsic religiousness, as measured by the Religious Orientation Scale.  Predominantly intrinsic subjects had absorption scores at least 20% higher than did predominantly extrinsic, proreligious, or nonreligious subjects.
DISCUSSION:  Prior research has found that absorption and hypnotizability have psychophysiological correlates, and that religiousness shows protective effects against morbidity and mortality.  In light of this work, the present findings suggest that certain religious cognitions, emotions, or experiences may generate an internally focused state that enhances health and attenuates disease through self-soothing psychophysiological mechanisms.


ta tzv apsorpcija je u bliskoj vezi s hipnozom


/vikipedija/ Absorption is a disposition or personality trait in which a person becomes absorbed in their mental imagery, particularly fantasy.[1] This trait thus correlates highly with a fantasy-prone personality. The original research on absorption was by American psychologist Auke Tellegen.[2] The construct of absorption was developed in order to relate individual differences in hypnotisability to broader aspects of personality. Absorption has a variable correlation with hypnotisability (r = 0.13–0.89) perhaps because in addition to broad personality dispositions, situational factors play an important role in performance on tests of hypnotic susceptibility.[1] Absorption is one of the traits assessed in the Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire.


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Heightened religiosity and epilepsy: evidence for religious-specific neuropsychological processes


It has been hypothesised that humans may have an innate neurologic tendency towards being religiously oriented, suggesting that we possess religious-specific neuropsychological processes. Persons with epilepsy provide a unique opportunity to study these relationships given the documented hyper-religious experiences observed with epilepsy. The current study evaluated 19 individuals with epilepsy to determine if epilepsy-related religious experiences (as measured by the Bear Fedio Inventory [BFI]) are reflective of a general increase in behaviours observed with epilepsy (e.g., philosophical thoughts, emotionality), or if they are reflective of a religious-specific orientation. Spearman correlations indicated that: (1) BFI religious-orientation scales are significantly related to philosophical concerns (i.e., nature of the universe), but not measures of emotionality and (2) BFI religious-orientation scales, but not philosophical or emotionality scales, are significantly associated with other commonly used measures of spirituality. These findings suggest that individuals may possess neuropsychological processes that are specific to religious orientations.


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11 minutes ago, kud u maglu Simoviću said:

vidi namenskog al jastrebaritm

Бог с тобом синко, шта ти пада на памет, не греши душу своју...:sleep:

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Krošek, znaš i sam da sam se ponekad (ali ne uvek) smejao tvojim postovima. 

Ali, ti si naš. Nemoj trošiti vreme na ove budale. 

Postoji samo jedno pitanje koje vernicima treba postaviti i na kojem uvek padnu, obaška (©namenski) što navale kao insekti na sijalicu a to je: ZAŠTO?

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Pa da. To je jedini pošteni odgovor ali ga ovi religijski proponenti baš i ne vole i  izbegavaju ga.


A je l' se sećate, pre dve tri godine se ovde bio pojavio neki što je propagirao Duhovno Lečenje. :ohmy:

Čak je i topik otvorio. 


Treba gamad stući odmah inače se nakote.

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1 minute ago, Bujodrag said:

Pa da. To je jedini pošteni odgovor ali ga ovi religijski proponenti baš i ne vole i  izbegavaju ga.


A je l' se sećate, pre dve tri godine se ovde bio pojavio neki što je propagirao Duhovno Lečenje. :ohmy:

Čak je i topik otvorio. 


Treba gamad stući odmah inače se nakote.

Немој тако Бујодраже, мени се Он указао ономад када сам био у болници, ни тамо ни овамо: у полукоми, на кисеонику и неке 3 боце из којих су у мене сипали неке текућине, у леденој и ветровитој которској ноћи, зазвонио телефон који су ми сестре у оној фрци гурнуле испод јастука, ја се јавио мислећи да је Он и да је готово...

Није био Он, била је Она, што изађе на још горе и Глас је загрмео: зашто и од када не ради блендер?!

Од тада богами, нисам начисто, не зезам се на те теме, има ту Нешто... :sleep:

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I ja sam bio u bolnici. Nije mi se ukazao. Pička.

Ubio mi je sestru. Dvostruka pička. Ali, ne krivim ga. To su samo naše projekcije.

Hajde da ne nasedamo na projekcije. Naročito ne na sopstvene!



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4 minutes ago, namenski said:

Дај бре, зезам се, извини, нисам сконтао да си се озбиљно примио.


Nemoj se izvinjavati. :) 


I, nisam se ozbiljno primio, ne brini.

Samo sam dovoljo osetljiv da na pojavu reklamera psihopata ( a to je "Bog") izadjem iz samonametnute izolacije.


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