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THE WIRE (2002)


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odgovor je kratak: zato sto zasluzuje da bude na FILMu
:blink: To znaci da je podforum FILM, sta, kvalitetniji i bolji od podforuma SERIJE??? Ili su filmovi kao takvi bolji i kvalitetniji od serija kao takvih?Pitam posto su obe stvari diskutabilne. Ja sam dugo trazio temu o The Wire, cak sam razmisljao da je otvorim, jer nisam mogao da verujem da ne postoji. Uostalom po cemu je bolji podforum gde je The Wire u drustvu tema poput "Montevideo, bog te video", "The Hobbit", guilty pleasures i "Srpski film", umesto sa Boardwalk Empire, Breaking Bad, The Killing, Dexter...Ne shvatam to konstantno omalovazavanje serija kao medija od strane filmskih fanatika. Kao da se nije desio HBO, AMC i ostale kablovske mreze, kao da serije danas nisu na nivou, pa cak i iznad filmova, sa ozbiljnim budzetima, odlicnim pricama, oslobodjenim cenzure i dobrom glumom i produkcijom. Mnogi ljubitelji filma i dalje serije gledaju kao na drugu ligu, pa zato i komentar da Wire zasluzuje da bude na ovom podforumu. Meni se vise cini da filmovi postaju druga liga u odnosu na ovakve serije.
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Ma dobro, ja to shvatam kao da se na neki način želeo napraviti otklon Wirea od drugih serija, meni to slatko i suvislo. Najbolje bi bilo da je na "Društvu", naravno.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Uvek zadnji stignem na zurku jer sam zavrsio petu sezonu pre par dana ali sam barem nadoknadio jer sam navukao bar jos 4oro da odgledaju seriju. Sad skidam Corner i Breaking Bad da bi mi pomoglo da se skinem :( Sa druge strane omar-little_288x288.jpgOmar Little54% Intelligence, 37% Morality, 73% Street-smarts, 44% Rebelliousness, 49% Industriousness, 50% Emotiveness, 52% Game and 40% Charisma!I got the shotgun. You got the briefcase. It's all in the game though, right? Congratulations. You are the most loved character on one of the most critically acclaimed shows ever. Before that starts going to your head, let's talk about what being Omar means. It means you function best on the ground, where the game is most dangerous. It means that people respect you and fear you in equal measure. It means that you have a code, but that doesn't make you a good person. It means that you will have many enemies, and few friends. It means you are part of the game, and always will be. Lesson here? If you the king, people never gonna stop coming. Not all of them will miss.

Edited by pavllle
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Uvek zadnji stignem na zurku jer sam zavrsio petu sezonu pre par dana ali sam barem nadoknadio jer sam navukao bar jos 4oro da odgledaju seriju.
Ja sinoc, tako da nisi poslednji. I navukao sam tek dvoje. :DKad sam zavrsio sa House-om mislio sam da je to to i da mu nijedna serija nece prici, kao ono. Bomba. Druga dimenzija.
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Samo nesto o prvom postu:

ep o prodzektima Baltimora sa neverovantim likovima koji su toliko realni kao da zive u vasem komsiluku
Greska. Likovi nisu realni. Vise su savrseni.
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Gus Haynes39% Intelligence, 66% Morality, 36% Street-smarts, 42% Rebelliousness, 39% Industriousness, 60% Emotiveness, 28% Game and 23% Charisma!Tom Wolfe wannabe, think you're gonna get a phrase like that past me? No fucking way, motherfucker! As Gus you've got a strict sense of journalistic ethics. That doesn't sound all that laudable, but if the dissemination of factual and valuable information is the basis of a free society, then your stand against the fraudsters and embossers really does mean a damn. As such, your morality is your defining trait. You aren't one for manipulating your way up the chain of command: you believe in your job and you stick to it. If a promotion comes, then it comes. Your dependability is matched by your intelligence, but never forget that the game cares not for who has "the facts" or "ethics". Even then, I very much doubt that knowing that would stop youVolim sebe :Hail: Doduse voleo bih se sta god da sam ispao. :D

Edited by Fins fleet
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