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Trump - hoće li biti impeachment ili 8 godina drugačijeg predsednikovanja?


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5 hours ago, mustang said:

raspitaj se tamo malo po cikagu koliko neki cekaju na zelenu kartu sto imaju prekrsaje na rekordu. nisi ti uopste upucen u realnost zadnjih 20godina. samo oni koji su dooobro placali neke advokate mogli su nesto da postignu

samo se pitam sta mislis o obami? kako ti on nije degenerik a obecavao legalizaciju imigranata zahvaljuci latino populaciji dobi izbore nadajuci se njegovim obecanjima. licno sam to dizvela kao najveci poraz demokratije. it’s all a fucking lie. 


Nije u pitanju poraz demokratije nego tvoj licni poraz jer pises o necemu o cemu se ocigledno nisi ni povrsno informisala:


Mozes da pogadjas koje su sudije glasale kako. Obrazuj se.

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volim kako izvrces recenice, pravi si spiner :D


ocito si upucen bio do mojega u realnost i sta se desava na ulici. obamina kampanja je bila glasnik ujedinjenja, smanjenje trupa, besplatnog zdravstvenog. za uzvrat smo dobili jos veci rasizam i podeljenost, povecanje trupa i jos vise ratova, osiguranje koje nije ni za kurac i krv pije na i onako niske plate. i skyrocketed dug. fala brate obsmo. 

upucen si ko ovaj tvoj debil drug sto je bio mali pa mu neko drugi radio papire. sad je veliki decko ali tesko naci sajt imigracije i skiniti instrukcije za bilo koji formular vezan za promenu statusa



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15 hours ago, mustang said:



ja bih jos dodatno uvela da svako mora da ima iznad 120IQ ako hoce u zemlju da takve kao ti sprecimo da sire glupost. :D



samo mojne retroaktivno :(

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On 1/22/2018 at 8:48 PM, Eraserhead said:


To da li neko ima krivicno delo iza sebe ili ne ne treba da ima veze sa imigracionim statusom. Postoje zakoni po kojima se sudi. Ljudi koji prekrse zakon idu u zatvor a kad odrade kaznu slobodni su. I nema to veze s mojim parama. Porez placaju cak i ilegalni imigranti u nekim slucajevima.


Imas onog doktora iz MI koga sad oce da deportuju zbog tuce kad je imao 18. god. Sada ima 45.


 Ja da sam na mestu tih zemalja odakle su ti ljudi poreklom odbio bih da ih primim nazad. Dali ste im papire, sad su vas problem.



Ima nesto sto je prilicno labavo definisano, a sto se zove "moral turpitude", a sto moze da bude problem da dobijes drzavljanstvo, verovatno i produzenje zelenog kartona. 'habitual drunkard" je recimo "moral turpitude". Ako te je policija vodila na treznjenje, to moze da bude problem iako je u pitanju najlaksi moguci prekrasaj, a ne krivicno delo. DUI je isto to, prostitucija, posedovanje marihuane... svakojaki prekrsaji koji nisu krivicna dela i ne povlace zatvor.


Znao sam jednu nasu devojku koja je radila kao bartender, i usao joj jednog dana klinac u bar. Ona mu prodala pivo. a za njim u bar ulaze ATF  detektivi i pisu kaznu, jer je klniac bio maloletan. Misdemeanor, na sudu priznala krivicu, platila kaznu i to je bilo to, nista zatvor, nista uslovno. Godinu dana kasnije otisla kuci na odmor, regularno produzila vizu u americkoj ambasadi, al' kada se vracala nazad za Ameriku odbili su da je puste u zemlju. Razlog je bio taj misdemeanor prekrsaj, a posto je prekrsaj vezan za alkohol, spada u "moral turpitude". Ona je popila  deportaciju, vratili su je prvim avionom i dobila je 5 godina zabrane ulaska u zemlju. 

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11 hours ago, ObiW said:

Godinu dana kasnije otisla kuci na odmor, regularno produzila vizu u americkoj ambasadi, al' kada se vracala nazad za Ameriku odbili su da je puste u zemlju. Razlog je bio taj misdemeanor prekrsaj, a posto je prekrsaj vezan za alkohol, spada u "moral turpitude". Ona je popila  deportaciju, vratili su je prvim avionom i dobila je 5 godina zabrane ulaska u zemlju. 


Realno ovo je da ih tužiš da ti vrate pare za avionsku kartu i još po neke troškove, jer je trebalo onda ambasada da odbije da joj produži vizu, da zna odmah da ne može nazad u SAD.


Naravno nema šanse, jer sigurno ima milion nekih fine print-ova koje je potpisala gde piše da ,,viza nije garancija za bla bla bla", ,,imigracioni službenik na granici ima diskreciono pravo bla bla bla"

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Ne mora čak ni da bude naročito fine print... sjećam se kako je to izgledalo na italijanskoj vizi, i kako mi je malo falilo da kad sam prvi put išao iskusim na sopstvenoj koži diskreciono pravo nadrndanog službenika na granici

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1 hour ago, hazard said:


Realno ovo je da ih tužiš da ti vrate pare za avionsku kartu i još po neke troškove, jer je trebalo onda ambasada da odbije da joj produži vizu, da zna odmah da ne može nazad u SAD.


Naravno nema šanse, jer sigurno ima milion nekih fine print-ova koje je potpisala gde piše da ,,viza nije garancija za bla bla bla", ,,imigracioni službenik na granici ima diskreciono pravo bla bla bla"

Ma tuzno je sto joj niko od nas nije rekao sta potpisuje kada potpise da je kriva sto je sluzila pivo maloletniku. A imala je takav posao da je znala mnogo nasih ljudi.

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The emailed response from the Guggenheim's chief curator to the White House was polite but firm: The museum could not accommodate a request to borrow a painting by Vincent Van Gogh for President and Melania Trump's private living quarters. The curator's alternative: an 18-karat, fully functioning, solid gold toilet -- an interactive work titled "America" that critics have described as pointed satire aimed at the excess of wealth in this country.


For a year, the Guggenheim had exhibited "America" -- the creation of contemporary artist Maurizio Cattelan -- in a public restroom on the museum's fifth floor for visitors to use. But the exhibit was over and the toilet was available "should the President and First Lady have any interest in installing it in the White House," Spector wrote in an email obtained by The Washington Post.


The artist "would like to offer it to the White House for a long-term loan," wrote Spector, who has been critical of Trump. "It is, of course, extremely valuable and somewhat fragile, but we would provide all the instructions for its installation and care." [...]


The White House did not respond to inquiries about the matter. [...]


On the face of it, President Trump might appreciate an artist's rendering of a gilded toilet, given his well-documented history of installing gold-plated fixtures in his residences, his properties and even his airplane. But the president is also a self-described germaphobe, and it's an open question whether he would accept a previously used toilet, 18-karat or otherwise.


Cattelan's "America" caused something of a sensation after the Guggenheim unveiled it in 2016, drawing more than a few headlines. [...] "More than one hundred thousand people" who "waited patiently in line for the opportunity to commune with art and with nature," Spector wrote in a Guggenheim blog post last year. The museum posted a uniformed security guard outside the bathroom. Every 15 minutes or so, a crew would arrive with specially chosen wipes to clean the gold.



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On 1/23/2018 at 2:48 AM, Eraserhead said:


To da li neko ima krivicno delo iza sebe ili ne ne treba da ima veze sa imigracionim statusom.


Ne slažem se, pogotovo u kontekstu SAD gde zbog krivičnog dela gubiš npr. pravo glasa.

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Aaaaa hahahahaha kakva pitjkica

Donald Trump tells Theresa May he won't visit the UK unless she bans protests




Trump sets no-protest condition for visit to UK.

Donald Trump is refusing to visit the UK unless Theresa May can ensure that he is not met with protests.

Bloomberg revealed that Trump complained in a phone call to May about the "negative coverage" he has received in the British press.

May told the US president that that was how the UK media operated and she could do little to change it.

Trump went on to say that he would not visit the UK unless there were guarantees that he would not be met with protests.

Advisers who had been listening to the phone call are reported to have been "astonished" at the demands.


Članak mi poslao ortak koji veli "Nisam bio siguran da bih se petljao s protestima, sad idem bez dileme kad god da dođe"

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On 1/23/2018 at 2:48 AM, Eraserhead said:


To da li neko ima krivicno delo iza sebe ili ne ne treba da ima veze sa imigracionim statusom. Postoje zakoni po kojima se sudi. Ljudi koji prekrse zakon idu u zatvor a kad odrade kaznu slobodni su. I nema to veze s mojim parama. Porez placaju cak i ilegalni imigranti u nekim slucajevima.


Imas onog doktora iz MI koga sad oce da deportuju zbog tuce kad je imao 18. god. Sada ima 45.


 Ja da sam na mestu tih zemalja odakle su ti ljudi poreklom odbio bih da ih primim nazad. Dali ste im papire, sad su vas problem.







A) Conviction of certain crimes.-

(i) In general.-Except as provided in clause (ii), any alien convicted of, or who admits having committed, or who admits committing acts which constitute the essential elements of-

(I) a crime involving moral turpitude (other than a purely political offense) or an attempt or conspiracy to commit such a crime, or

(II) a violation of (or a conspiracy or attempt to violate) any law or regulation of a State, the United States, or a foreign country relating to a controlled substance (as defined in section 102 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 802)), is inadmissible.

(ii) Exception.-Clause (i)(I) shall not apply to an alien who committed only one crime if-

(I) the crime was committed when the alien was under 18 years of age, and the crime was committed (and the alien released from any confinement to a prison or correctional institution imposed for the crime) more than 5 years before the date of application for a visa or other documentation and the date of application for admission to the United States, or

(II) the maximum penalty possible for the crime of which the alien was convicted (or which the alien admits having committed or of which the acts that the alien admits having committed constituted the essential elements) did not exceed imprisonment for one year and, if the alien was convicted of such crime, the alien was not sentenced to a term of imprisonment in excess of 6 months (regardless of the extent to which the sentence was ultimately executed).

(B) Multiple criminal convictions.-Any alien convicted of 2 or more offenses (other than purely political offenses), regardless of whether the conviction was in a single trial or whether the offenses arose from a single scheme of misconduct and regardless of whether the offenses involved moral turpitude, for which the aggregate sentences to confinement 2 were 5 years or more is inadmissible.

(C) 2aCONTROLLED SUBSTANCE TRAFFICKERS- Any alien who the consular officer or the Attorney General knows or has reason to believe--

(i) is or has been an illicit trafficker in any controlled substance or in any listed chemical (as defined in section 102 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 802)), or is or has been a knowing aider, abettor, assister, conspirator, or colluder with others in the illicit trafficking in any such controlled or listed substance or chemical, or endeavored to do so; or

(ii) is the spouse, son, or daughter of an alien inadmissible under clause (i), has, within the previous 5 years, obtained any financial or other benefit from the illicit activity of that alien, and knew or reasonably should have known that the financial or other benefit was the product of such illicit activity, is inadmissible.

(D) Prostitution and commercialized vice.-Any alien who-

(i) is coming to the United States solely, principally, or incidentally to engage in prostitution, or has engaged in prostitution within 10 years of the date of application for a visa, admission, or adjustment of status,

(ii) directly or indirectly procures or attempts to procure, or (within 10 years of the date of application for a visa, admission, or adjustment of status) procured or attempted to procure or to import, prostitutes or persons for the purpose of prostitution, or receives or (within such 10- year period) received, in whole or in part, the proceeds of prostitution, or

(iii) is coming to the United States to engage in any other unlawful commercialized vice, whether or not related to prostitution, is inadmissible.

(E) Certain aliens involved in serious criminal activity who have asserted immunity from prosecution.-Any alien-

(i) who has committed in the United States at any time a serious criminal offense (as defined in section  101(h)),

(ii) for whom immunity from criminal jurisdiction was exercised with respect to that offense,

(iii) who as a consequence of the offense and exercise of immunity has departed from the United States, and

(iv) who has not subsequently submitted fully to the jurisdiction of the court in the United States having jurisdiction with respect to that offense, is inadmissible.

(F) Waiver authorized.-For provision authorizing waiver of certain subparagraphs of this paragraph, see subsection (h).

(G) 2b2cFOREIGN GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS WHO HAVE COMMITTED PARTICULARLY SEVERE VIOLATIONS OF RELIGIOUS FREEDOM- Any alien who, while serving as a foreign government official, was responsible for or directly carried out, at any time, particularly severe violations of religious freedom, as defined in section 3 of the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 (22 U.S.C. 6402), is inadmissible.


(i) IN GENERAL- Any alien who commits or conspires to commit human trafficking offenses in the United States or outside the United States, 42 or who the consular officer, the Secretary of Homeland Security, the Secretary of State, 42 or the Attorney General knows or has reason to believe is or has been a knowing aider, abettor, assister, conspirator, or colluder with such a trafficker in severe forms of trafficking in persons, as defined in the section 103 of such Act, is inadmissible.

(ii) BENEFICIARIES OF TRAFFICKING- Except as provided in clause (iii), any alien who the consular officer or the Attorney General knows or has reason to believe is the spouse, or daughter of an alien inadmissible under clause (i), has, within the previous 5 years, obtained any financial or other benefit from the illicit activity of that alien, and knew or reasonably should have known that the financial or other benefit was the product of such illicit activity, is inadmissible.

(iii) EXCEPTION FOR CERTAIN SONS AND DAUGHTERS- Clause (ii) shall not apply to a son or daughter who was a child at the time he or she received the benefit described in such clause.

(I) 2bbbMONEY LAUNDERING- Any alien--

(i) who a consular officer or the Attorney General knows, or has reason to believe, has engaged, is engaging, or seeks to enter the United States to engage, in an offense which is described in section 1956 or 1957 of title 18, United States Code (relating to laundering of monetary instruments); or

(ii) who a consular officer or the Attorney General knows is, or has been, a knowing aider, abettor, assister, conspirator, or colluder with others in an offense which is described in such section; is inadmissible.

(3) Security and related grounds.-

(A) In general.-Any alien who a consular officer or the Attorney General knows, or has reasonable ground to believe, seeks to enter the United States to engage solely, principally, or incidentally in-

(i) any activity (I) to violate any law of the United States relating to espionage or sabotage or (II) to violate or evade any law prohibiting the export from the United States of goods, technology, or sensitive information,

(ii) any other unlawful activity, or

(iii) any activity a purpose of which is the opposition to, or the control or overthrow of, the Government of the United States by force, violence, or other unlawful means, is inadmissible.



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