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10 hours ago, Eraserhead said:

Meni je drago sto ima puno onih koji ce kada Amerika potvrdi neki napad to prihvatiti kao sto prihvataju ovo. Jedino je steta sto izraelci nisu malo gore razguzili sirijskog kasapina i iranske mule.



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Meni se odavde čini da je ovde Putin pogešio što je prihvatio defanzivnu taktiku i dil sa Sultanom umesto da formira ful kurdsku državu na delu sirijske teritorije pa nek se turci jebu s tim. 

Ovako je napravio dil sa sultanom i sa jevrejima i sad su ga izgleda i jedni i drugi zajebali i krenuli da gaze po Asadu uz svesrdnu pomoć Amerike i čini mi se da to Asad neće izdržati. ili će pasti ili će Putin morati da se direktnije umeša što je siguran put u debelo sranje. 

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20 hours ago, Redoran said:


То би можда одговарало Американцима али Турску апсолутно ништа друго не интересује осим да спречи настанак курдске државе на развалинама Сирије сад кад је првобитни план са салафистаном пропао. Израел, све док може да бира, бираће да не улази у тотални рат са Хезболахом јер би га исти грозно коштао а у том случају је тотално уништење Либана слаба утеха.


Заправо је прилично индикативна ова израелска уздржаност након тарапане у суботу. Приметно су спустили лопту и задовољили се констатацијама како су комплетно уништили сиријске ПВО системе иако то нема везе са реалношћу. Осим ако им то није неко затишје пред свеопшти ватромет у питању је јасна тежња ка деескалацији што је потпуно неуобичајено понашање када је Израел у питању.

Bibi ima važnija posla, npr. kako da ne završi u zatvoru zbog korupcije. 

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8 hours ago, steins said:

Meni se odavde čini da je ovde Putin pogešio što je prihvatio defanzivnu taktiku i dil sa Sultanom umesto da formira ful kurdsku državu na delu sirijske teritorije pa nek se turci jebu s tim. 

Ovako je napravio dil sa sultanom i sa jevrejima i sad su ga izgleda i jedni i drugi zajebali i krenuli da gaze po Asadu uz svesrdnu pomoć Amerike i čini mi se da to Asad neće izdržati. ili će pasti ili će Putin morati da se direktnije umeša što je siguran put u debelo sranje. 


У Идлибу се све одвија уз пуну координацију са Турском. Русија је Турску скоро па потпуно привела к познанију својих интереса у Сирији а сада покушава да нешто слично уради са Израелом. Дефанзивна тактика уз много дипломатије и стрпљења је једина која има смисла будући да некаква офанзива против других великих играча нити има изгледе да успе нити Русија има ресурсе да игра такве игре.

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10 hours ago, steins said:

Meni se odavde čini da je ovde Putin pogešio što je prihvatio defanzivnu taktiku i dil sa Sultanom umesto da formira ful kurdsku državu na delu sirijske teritorije pa nek se turci jebu s tim. 

Ovako je napravio dil sa sultanom i sa jevrejima i sad su ga izgleda i jedni i drugi zajebali i krenuli da gaze po Asadu uz svesrdnu pomoć Amerike i čini mi se da to Asad neće izdržati. ili će pasti ili će Putin morati da se direktnije umeša što je siguran put u debelo sranje. 



Nema šta on da radi na formiranju kurdske države već suprotno - da štiti teritorijalni integritet Sirije nasuprot svih onih koji bi da je rasparčavaju, ko god to bio. Na tom polju ne bi trebalo biti kompromisa kao što isti ne pravi ni USofA kad štiti celovitost jedne BiH na primer. O ceni i  posledicama je trebao da razmišlja kad se upuštao u avanturu.


Sa druge strane, nadam se da grešim ali...ovo kompromiserstvo sa svim pokroviteljima džihadista  je tek politika koja vodi u poraz. Ušetavanje Turaka, dejstva Izraela kao i očigledno roštiljanje SAA i ponekog Rusa od strane američke avijacije u Deir ez Zoru....


sve to na gomili ne odobravaju ni Sirijci ni Iranci, neće ni javnost kod kuće a tek koliko je džihad koalicija predvođena USA, Izraelom, KSA i Turcima namirisala krv da ne pričamo.

Edited by dillinger
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By  Reese Erlich
 February 11, 2018
 In 2014 the US used the Islamic State attacks on Yazidis as the excuse to bomb and later send troops to northern Syria. 

When President Obama started bombing Syria in 2014, he enjoyed bipartisan support in Washington. Americans were appalled by the atrocities of the Islamic State, which had massacred Yazidis, and seized swaths of territory in Syria and Iraq.

 In 2014 the US used the Islamic State attacks on Yazidis as the excuse to bomb and later send troops to northern Syria. 

Far from being a humanitarian intervention, however, I warned at the time that the US was on its way to yet another Middle East war. “Once again, the U.S. is waging an open-ended war with no concern for the long-term well-being of the people in the region,” I wrote. 

And, sure enough, with the Islamic State on the ropes, the Trump administration has announced that some 2000 US troops will stay permanently in the Kurdish region of northern Syria. Ostensibly, the troops will fight IS remnants and combat Iranian influence. In reality, the US seeks to remove President  Basher al Assad, or failing that, dismember Syria into zones controlled by outside powers.

On Feb. 7, US jets and artillery attacked pro-Assad forces in Khusham, an oil-rich area in north eastern Syria outside of the Kurdish region. The US-allied SDF (Syrian Democratic Forces) had captured the area from the Islamic State and Assad-allied troops were trying to take it. Needless to say, the fighting had nothing to do with Yazidis or fighting remnants of the Islamic State.

Then on Feb. 9, Israel bombed a dozen sites in Syria after Assad’s artillery shot down an Israeli jet fighter.  The US is allied with Israel against Assad, Russia and Iran.

The clashes are just the latest indication of the expanded role played by outside powers. And the US occupation won’t be easy. The SDF leadership currently allied with the US have their own agenda. And Turkey considers that group to be terrorists and has sent its army into Syria in an effort to wipe them out.

How did the US get into what may become yet another Mideast quagmire?

In September 2014 the US had no allies on the ground when it began bombing the Islamic State in Syria. The CIA and Pentagon had spent over a billion dollars trying to create pro-US rebel groups that would fight Assad. Both agencies failed miserably as the ostensible guerrillas took US arms and promptly handed them over to terrorist groups fighting in Syria.

But there was one existing insurgent group that effectively battled the IS. The Kurdish based PYD (Democratic Union Party) and its armed wing the YPG (People’s Protection Units) fought and won a heroic battle against the IS in the Kurdish city of Kobane. The Pentagon started arming and training the YPG, and later the SDF, which includes both Syrian Arabs and Kurds.

The problem, from a US perspective, was that the PYD is affiliated with the PKK (Kurdistan Workers Party) in Turkey, a leftist group with a quasi-anarchist ideology developed by their leader Abdullah Ocalan, now imprisoned in Turkey.

The PYD promotes women’s participation and leadership, unique among rebels in the region. It has created local councils advocating equal rights for all of Syria’s religious and ethnic groups. The PYD seeks to extend its system throughout Syria, not just in Rojava, their term for the Kurdish region.

The Pentagon was willing to ignore the PYD’s leftism and frequent praise of Ocalan because SDF could really fight.

Turkey’s leaders, however, denounce the PKK and PYD as terrorists. The PKK does engage in armed struggle, but it’s  aimed at Turkey’s military and police, not civilians.  The accusation of terrorism conveniently covers up Turkish government repression of its Kurdish minority.

Turkey invaded northern Syria in 2016 and seized part of the Kurdish region in order to prevent the SDF from creating a contiguous territory along the Turkish border. Turkey, like every foreign power invading Syria, proclaimed their incursions as temporary. But it set up military bases and ran electricity wires from Turkey into the Syrian cities under their control.

Then on January 20 this year Turkey launched an invasion of Afrin, an isolated area in the far northwest of Rojava. Turkish bombing of the city has already killed 150 civilians and wounded 300, according to Sinam Mohammad, the representative of the Syrian Democratic Council in the US. The council is the political wing of the SDF.

She told me that the ultimate goal of Turkey is to drive the Kurds out of Afrin in order to create a buffer zone under permanent Turkish control. She accuses the Turkish Army of ethnic cleansing. “They want to kick out the Kurds,” she said.                                                                

The Turkish military created a Syrian Arab militia, appropriating the name Free Syrian Army. The FSA developed some popular support based on Arab hostility towards Kurds and complaints that the PYD monopolizes power in areas it controls.

The FSA also stands accused of war crimes for mutilating the body of a Kurdish female fighter. FSA members shot a video of themselves standing over the partially naked body of the woman with her left breast mutilated.  Sinam Mohammad compared such actions to atrocities carried out by terrorist groups.

“What’s the difference between them and Islamic State?” she said.

But the US has no plans to prevent the Turks from taking Afrin, putting the lives of hundreds of thousands of civilians in peril.

The Pentagon seems to be drawing a line at the Rojava town of  Manbij, some 37 miles east of Afrin. The US sent high ranking army officers into Manjib, riding in vehicles prominently displaying US flags, accompanied by a New York Times reporter to make sure the message was received in Ankara.

For the moment, it appears the US military will maintain its alliance with Kurdish forces while Turkey will continue its military opposition, but within limits.

In my opinion, the PYD is playing a very dangerous game allying with the US. It may think the US will protect the Kurds, but nothing in history suggests it will be a reliable partner. And the people of Rojava will suffer.

The goal of the US isn’t to help the Kurds in Rojava,” an American volunteer who fought with the YPG told me. “The goal of the US is to kill Bashar al-Assad or, if that proves impossible, to destroy the Syrian Arab Republic. If they did care about the Kurds, the US would have stopped the Turkish attack on Afrin.”

There’s an old saying commonly used in the Middle East, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” We Americans have another old saying, “It ain’t necessarily so.”

Reese Erlich’s syndicated column, Foreign Correspondent, appears every two weeks in 48 Hills. The revised and updated edition of his book The Iran Agenda: the Real Story of US and Policy ­will be published in September.



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On 2/13/2018 at 5:26 PM, theanswer said:


u pitanju su contractori™ iz vagnera. nešto je tu krenulo po zlu u smislu toga da je postojao neki dogovor između dela sdf-a i lokalnih plemena, sve u svemu amerika je pokazala ko je gazda. iako je brojka od nekoliko stotina poginulih žestoko precenjena verovatno


neće biti da je precenjeno. Nekoliko ruskih izvora to potvrđuje.


Yevgeny Shabayev, leader of a local chapter of a paramilitary Cossack organization who has ties to Russian military contractors, said the wounded men had told him that the two units of Russian contractors involved in the battle near Deir al-Zor numbered 550 men. Of those, there are now about 200 who are not either dead or wounded, the wounded men had told him.


A source with ties to the Wagner organization, and who has spoken to people who took part in the Feb. 7 clashes, told Reuters his contacts told him more than 80 Russian contractors were killed.

The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the total of about 300 killed or injured was broadly correct.

tekst Reuters

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1 hour ago, dillinger said:

Katastrofa. Volođu bi mogao neko da podseti kako je US reagovala kad su u Faludži izmasakrirana četvorica Blekvoterovaca 2004.


reagovao upravo.


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Izgleda da su okupatori na korak od dogovorene podele severne Sirije.




Tillerson in Ankara pledges limited weapon supplies to SDF, says Manbij ‘priority’ in Syria

Washington and Ankara are making an effort to mend relations, strained over the former’s support of Kurdish forces in Syria. During a visit to Ankara, the US secretary of state said the ties were “too important.”
Rex Tillerson tried to reassure Ankara over US’s involvement with the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), much of which is comprised of Kurdish YPG, outlawed in Turkey as a terrorist organization.

“We take it seriously when our NATO ally says it has security concerns,” Tillerson said at a joint news conference with his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu on Friday. “We have always been clear with Turkey that the weapons provided to the Syrian Democratic Forces would be limited, mission specific, and provided on the incremental basis to achieve military objectives only.”

Both Tillerson and Cavusoglu that the countries have found themselves at “a crisis point,” and have agreed to address “critical issues” in the bilateral relations.

Read more
Fighters of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) walk along a road in Raqqa. © Erik de Castro / ReutersTurkey asks US to remove Kurdish fighters from Washington-backed Syrian militia
“We've decided, and President Erdogan decided last night, we needed to talk about how do we go forward? The relationship is too important,” Tillerson said.

He said that the "priority” was to address the situation around Manbij, which Turkey earlier threatened to target in its offensive in Syria. The city is controlled by Kurds and is used by the US military to support Kurdish operations against Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS).

Ankara now demands Washington to give guarantees over the withdrawal of the Kurdish YPG forces from Manbij, which could lead to Turkey and US joint deployment in the area.

“What is important is who will govern and provide security to these areas,” Cavusoglu said. “We will coordinate to restore stability in Manbij and other cities. We will start with Manbij. After YPG leaves there, we can take steps with the US based on trust.”

On Thursday, Turkish Defense Minister Nurettin Canikli asked Washington to end its support for Kurdish fighters and to remove them from the US-backed SDF. Canliki said he told his US counterpart, Jim Mattis, that Washington's support for the Syrian Kurdish YPG militia has helped Kurdish rebels in Turkey “grow and strengthen,” posing an increasingly “existential” threat to Turkey. 




Kako ide ona stara kurdska izreka:'' teško onom koga Amer brani...''

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58 minutes ago, dillinger said:

Izgleda da su okupatori na korak od dogovorene podele severne Sirije.


Kako ide ona stara kurdska izreka:'' teško onom koga Amer brani...''


sve dok ne anektiraju to je demokracki..

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