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Qantas, moj ponos, pokazuje znake starenja flote.Ovaj avion, VH-OJK (na stolu mi je maketa Qantas B-747-400 sa bas tom registracijom : VH-OJK) me je prevezao 3 puta SYD-LAX 1996 i 1998.17 godina star, od 1991. Nekad je bio nov a ne postaje nista noviji sa godinama koje prolaze.Qantas B-747 400 VH-OJKA Melbourne-bound Qantas Boeing 747 with a large gash in its fuselage was forced to make an emergency landing today after a terrifying 20,000 foot drop.The plane, carrying 350 passengers, had taken off from Hong Kong and was diverted to Manila after what was described as "rapid decompression".Passengers said they heard a loud bang as oxygen masks dropped.Koja rupcaga, jos se desila u letu:Qantasgash1.jpgQantasgash3.jpg
Video sam ovo danas i zaista sam se iznenadio..QF-u se to ne desava, njihova flota je poznata kao jedna od najbezbednijih na svetu. Pre mesec dana sam leteo sa ovakvim iz SYD za FRA via SIN, ko zna, mozda je bio bas ovaj, posto sam stand by pax utrcavao sam na gate, tako da nisam uspeo da vidim registraciju :)
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Dobra je to makina kad moze s tolikom rupcagom da leti i da sleti (bezbedno). Sreca da je rupa s donje strane oplate, a ne u nivou putnicke kabine. To se dogadjalo dosad (ne Qantasu), pri cemu je vise puta neko stradao (bivao isisan kroz otvor). Mislim da je jednom bio Air NZ (ili UA? Znam da je leteo za NZ). I davno ranije neki iz koga su isisane 2 stjuardese. (A avioni posle OK sleteli).

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Dobra je to makina kad moze s tolikom rupcagom da leti i da sleti (bezbedno). Sreca da je rupa s donje strane oplate, a ne u nivou putnicke kabine.
Ma OK je to, samo ne mozemo da kazemo da to i treba da se desava, bez obzira sta masina moze i kako su piloti strucni.Dodatnu sumnju priziva i stalna borba Geoff Dixon-a (Qantas CEO) sa sindikatima mehanicara i uopste svim zaposlenima, oko cost-cutting.Da se ovo desilo Aeroflotu ili Pulkovu, rekli bi - sta drugo da ocekujes od takvih firmi.
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_44863379_db6b31fc-acf9-468a-af76-b355569ad60e.jpgPOSSIBLE PROBLEMS
  • Corrosion or other maintenance issues
  • Exploding oxygen cylinder
  • Deliberate or accidental explosion sparked by something in luggage

Worst-case scenariosAnd remaining at the forefront of many minds - not least of those on board - will be a "what might have been" scenario.If debris from the hole had been sucked into the engines, could the pilots have been dealing with engine failure or loss as well as an emergency descent?Or if the structural damage had passed a certain "tipping point", could the plane have started to break up in mid-air?Certainly part of the flooring near the affected section is said to have given way, exposing some of the cargo below, and part of the ceiling also collapsed - although this may have been part of the plane's built-in "responses", giving way in a planned manner to prevent even greater pressures building up on the main structure.As it was, the mid-air drama ended with more than 360 people walking off the plane suffering from nothing worse than severe shock and vomiting. They and the investigators will be thankful the investigation is focusing on a hole in a fuselage, not the loss of a Boeing over the South China Sea.

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Koliko ja vidim to je nešto eksplodiralo od unutra ka napolje... Teško da su tu Oxy boce ali ne znam taj avion... Verovatnije je da je nešto eksplodiralo u prtljažniku probilo pregradni zid (zeleni) i probilo oplatu(ceo spoljni panel krilo-trup) izbacivši je napolje...Bar tako deluje ovako po slici...Inače avion ima 4 motora... Sve i da panel završi u nekom od motora nije ništa strašno... Osim ako baš motor od toga nekako eksplodira... Ali se o uglavnom dešava samo u filmovima...

Edited by dare...
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Bogami su putnici ostarili jedno par godina za tih pola sata-sat. Kul su mi flight attendants koji posluzuju putnike sa maskama za kiseonik.:)

Edited by Indy
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Nece da otpadne ako su koristili super lepak :D
Pricaj ti to, samo Geof Dixon's (Qantas CEO) dupe je na rostilju povodom ovoga. Najlakse bi mu bilo da ispadne da je bila neka bomba ili nesto a ne substandard odrzavanje u zemlji 3-ceg sveta.Znas kad bi Japanci dali nekome da pipne njihov avion a da nije ili Japanac ili sam proizvodjac, licno? Nikada, a mozda i kasnije.Cathay Pacific & Singapore - ne samo da ne daju nikome da pridje njihovim avonima nego su "trusted servicers" themselves.
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danasw se pominju boce sa kiseonikom kao moguci razlog ovog incidenta

A possible oxygen cylinder blast is a main focus for investigators looking into what caused a hole mid-flight in the fuselage of a Qantas passenger jet.Investigator Neville Blyth said a cylinder was missing from the plane but it was "too early to say whether this was the cause of the explosion".Qantas has been told to inspect every oxygen bottle on its Boeing 747 fleet.The plane was flying to Melbourne when it had to make an emergency landing in the Philippines on Friday.Passengers reported a loud bang and then rapid decompression of the cabin.
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Treba mi neki sajt na kome bih mogao pronaci kako se od Kieva prevesti do Beograda (znam da mogu da izguglam, ali nemam baš vremena) . hvala.

Edited by Lezilebovich
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