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Anna Muzychuk
December 23 · 
In a few days I am going to lose two World Champion titles - one by one. Just because I decided not to go to Saudi Arabia. Not to play by someone's rules, not to wear abaya, not to be accompanied getting outside, and altogether not to feel myself a secondary creature. Exactly one year ago I won these two titles and was about the happiest person in the chess world but this time I feel really bad. I am ready to stand for my principles and skip the event, where in five days I was expected to earn more than I do in a dozen of events combined. All that is annoying, but the most upsetting thing is that almost nobody really cares. That is a really bitter feeling, still not the one to change my opinion and my principles. The same goes for my sister Mariya - and I am really happy that we share this point of view. And yes, for those few who care - we'll be back!




kraljica ova svetska sampionka u sahu. 

Edited by darling
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Zanimljivo /iz nemackih novina/


Wenn Weltmeisterschaften in theokratisch-autoritären Systemen abgehalten werden, hat das oft pragmatische Gründe. Den Weltschachverband überzeugten offenbar finanzielle Argumente. Nahost-Experte James Dorsey von der University of Singapore sagte, Saudi-Arabien sei als Gastgeberland ausgewählt worden, nachdem es dem Weltschachverband einen Scheck über 1,5 Millionen Dollar ausgestellt habe - vier mal so viel wie die normale Jahresgebühr.


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"Sloboda govora se pretvorila u suprotnost. Puritanstvo se koristi kao argument za zaštitu žena i njihovu emancipaciju, čime su one predstvljenje kao nekakve večite žrtve, što nije tako", navodi se u tekstu.



Grupa je takđe osudila "talas puritanstva u umetnosti", navodeći da se sada slike Baltazara Koslovskog u muzejima sa prikazanim nagim dečacima smatraju za podsticanje pedofilije i dodala da neke spisateljice dobijaju savete od izdavača da muški likovi u knjigama budu manje "seksistički".



Novinarka Elizabet Levi je navela da sada postoji tendencija "feminističkog uznemiravanja muškaraca".


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Ta grupa žena je da dodala da je zbog raznih optužbi na internetu došlo do "epskeditivne pravde i mnogi muškarci su kažnjeni jer su dodirnuli koleno ili ukrali poljubac tokom neke službene večere ili poslali poruku sa seksualnom konotacijom nekoj ženi kod koje nisu naišli na uzvratnu privlačnost". 


Stvarno necuveno, odes na sluzbenu veceru i ne das nikom da te pipa, zaskace i salje ti lascivne poruke.


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